There seems to be a fair amount of interest in our new psalter and antiphoner (or antiphonarium, antiphonal, or antiphonale, depending upon your preferences). (See previous post on our new books here.)
Below you’ll find three files: The antiphoner pages for Vespers of Trinity, the psalter pages for Vespers of Sunday, and an MP3 with the antiphons and psalmody of Trinity Vespers. (There was going to be an MP3 of all of vespers, but the recorder’s batteries died in the middle of the hymn.)
Several of you have already noted that the psalms appear to be those of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. That is the case though, for purposes of licitness, I suppose I should call them the psalms of the Anglican Use’s Book of Divine Worship.
Why, you may ask, are Roman Catholic monks using an Anglican psalter? There are at least three reasons...
Read the rest at The Subtuum blog.
Mary's Month of May, and Sir Nikolaus Pevsner
"The happy birds Te Deum sing,/'Tis Mary's month of May;/ Her smile turns
winter into spring,/ And darkness into day;/ And there's a fragrance in the
10 months ago
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