Steve Cavanaugh is a veteran of the publishing industry, having worked as a stringer for the Caledonian Record newspaper in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, Mosby-Year Book in Philadelphia and Pharmacotherapy Publications in Boston. He is the former assistant managing editor of The Journal of Infectious Diseases, and currently is managing editor of The Annals of Surgery and The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. Additionally, his long resume in teaching includes stints teaching grades Pre-K through graduate level, in private, public and parochial schools, as well as serving as adjunct faculty for the Framingham and Worcester State Colleges (now Universities) and as a teacher trainer with the Museum of Science, Boston.
He is a communicant at St. Athanasius Anglican Use parish in Boston, where he leads the schola cantorum and serves as editor of the monthly newsletter Contra Mundum. He also served as the editor of Anglican Embers, the quarterly journal of the Anglican Use Society.
He is the former director of the South Shore Gregorian Choir which sand at the monthly Latin Masses (EF) at the Chapel of Our Savior run by the Atonement Friars in Brockton, Massachusetts, and occasionally sings with the Schola Amicorum at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. He is currently an English tutor for the Dominican Sisters from the Vietnamese diocese of Bui Chu who live at the convent of Our Lady of Sorrows in Brockton.
Mr. Cavanaugh lives in Southeastern Massachusetts with his wife Laurie and the couple have three children, Patrick, Molly and Althea.
Mr. Cavanaugh is the editor and a chapter author of Anglicans and the Roman Catholic Church: Reflections on Recent Developments (Ignatius Press, 2011) and editor of a forthcoming book of English Communion Chants that serves as a companion volume to the Anglican Use Gradual of Mr. C. David Burt.
He may be contacted at
Mary's Month of May, and Sir Nikolaus Pevsner
"The happy birds Te Deum sing,/'Tis Mary's month of May;/ Her smile turns
winter into spring,/ And darkness into day;/ And there's a fragrance in the
10 months ago