The occasion of Monsignor Steenson’s visit was a huge success. Msgr. Steenson established strong ties with the Society of St. Bede the Venerable, and the SSBV demonstrated its commitment to respond to the Church’s invitation to encourage the Anglican patrimony’s development within Catholicism. My deepest gratitude to everyone who took part in choral Evensong last evening, whether as a musician and/or as a participant, and to those who kept us all in your prayers! The importance of the Pastoral Provision of 1980 and of Anglicanorum coetibus in the life of the Church have only begun to be appreciated in relation to evangelization, ecumenism, liturgy, and (speaking as a musicologist) liturgical music.You can follow the events of the Society of St. Bede on their blogsite.
The potential the Society of St. Bede the Venerable and St. John’s have for contributing to this movement has likewise only begun to be appreciated. It is with a sense of humble gratitude, then, that I reflect on the potential for continued growth and development yesterday’s visit represents.
Because decisions in the Church and in individual hearts and minds rarely happen in a trice, I refrain from making premature comments about the opportunities that were discussed yesterday. But I will say this much. After Msgr. Steenson’s visit, the future of the SSBV looks even more promising. I believe it is a future that will bear much fruit if we are faithful in understanding and living the opportunities Anglicanorum coetibus sets before us and if we are, as we have been, supported by the immeasurable help of your prayers, time, and talents.
Mary's Month of May, and Sir Nikolaus Pevsner
"The happy birds Te Deum sing,/'Tis Mary's month of May;/ Her smile turns
winter into spring,/ And darkness into day;/ And there's a fragrance in the
9 months ago
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