More than two years ago, Pope Benedict XVI published the apostolic exhortation Anglicanorum Coetibus, that allows groups of Anglicans to collectively convert to the Catholic Church while still keeping their Anglican identity.
It envisaged the creation of structures called 'Ordinariates' for returning Anglicans.
The first such Ordinariate was established last January in the United Kingdom.
One year after its creation, about a hundred of its members have come to Rome for a week, to celebrate the anniversary.
To date, fifty seven priests and three deacons have joined the Ordinariate, together with over one thousand lay people.
Two hundred more faithful will be received this year.
Twenty of the Ordinariate's priests are still being trained.
Mgr. Keith Newton, a married Anglican priests and father of three takes stock of this unprecedented experience in the relationship between Christian Churches in the West...
Read the rest of this interview with Msgr. Newton, originally published last week, on the web site Clerical Whispers.
Hat tip to Fr. Chadwick's "English Catholic" blog.
Mary's Month of May, and Sir Nikolaus Pevsner
"The happy birds Te Deum sing,/'Tis Mary's month of May;/ Her smile turns
winter into spring,/ And darkness into day;/ And there's a fragrance in the
10 months ago
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