16 January 2012
by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf
Fr. John Hunwicke apparently received permission from Msgr. Newton of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham to preach Oxford University’s Latin Sermon from Newman’s pulpit.
The text (I received along with it the paraphrase, which is not my rendering):
Sunt autem, Oxonienses, et alii pro quibus Omnipotentem deprecari possimus. Mensis enim Ianuarii dies iam quintus decimus lucescit; qui dies quamquam non omnibus candidus laetitiam tamen nonnullis haud minimam adferre debet...
Read the full sermon in Latin (with an English "paraphrase") at the incomparable Fr. Z's blog What Does the Prayer Really Say?.
Mary's Month of May, and Sir Nikolaus Pevsner
"The happy birds Te Deum sing,/'Tis Mary's month of May;/ Her smile turns
winter into spring,/ And darkness into day;/ And there's a fragrance in the
10 months ago
Interesting. I guess Fr. Hunwicke is still an Anglican priest, having been rejected for entry into the Ordinariate and allowed to enter the Catholic priesthood. perhaps Msgr. Newton feels he owes Fr. H. a favor for all his years of defending the Orthodoxy and Catholicity of Anglicanism and in defense of Rome. Fr. H. handles rejection honorably and with graciousness.
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ReplyDeleteJohn Hunwicke is a lay Catholic and an Ordinariate member. He left the CofE at the same time as everyone else last Easter. People still refer to him as Fr. Hunwicke out of custom and affection (myself included), not because he is still a CofE priest. He has not been rejected for the Catholic priesthood either, his ordination has, in his own words, been deferred. He has not disclosed the circumstances as to why, and unless and until it becomes publicly known to the contrary he will at some stage be ordained.