Dr. Feulner delivered an important talk at the Anglican Use Conference in Houston in 2009 entitled, “The Anglican Use Within the Western Liturgical Tradition,” which has been included as a chapter in Anglicans and the Roman Catholic Church: Reflections on Recent Developments, published by Ignatius Press in 2011.
And again a revelation about the Anglicanae Traditiones Commission... I wonder why its membership seems to be such a huge secret, it would be reassuring to know who exactly is working on the definite Anglican Use liturgy.
ReplyDelete+ pax et bonum
I won't being going because I would ask the wrong questions.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it taking so long?
Isn't it true that the Anglican Liturgical Tradition of the last 100 years is more "Catholic" than the Roman Liturgical Tradition of the last 45 years?
How hard can it be given all the available resources in print and electronic form?
Isn't it true that the bureaucrats in Rome want to wear the Anglican Ordinariates down in hopes that they will cave in and just accept the horrible Vatican II liturgies?
You see, I'm too politically incorrect.
The rest of you can go and sit there like bumps on a log.
Most of the membership of this commission is listed on this blog in the left sidebar (scroll down).
ReplyDeleteI don't know why things are kept secret, but perhaps to keep the members from constant interruption by well-meaning parties with their comments and suggestions?
Why is it taking so long? There are distinct liturgical traditions in Canada, Scotland, England, the US, Australia, South Africa. The commission is trying to fashion one set of liturgical rites that can be used by all. The only available resources from this commission are the marriage and funeral rites, and they are available in electronic form (see the side bar again). Those rites are drawn from the Anglican Liturgical tradition and while they have been received with some criticism, overall, they are good sturdy, traditional rites.
Matthew, I do not think your comment about "bureaucrats in Rome" is some brave refusal to be politically correct; you're just venting your frustrations with a pace that is reasonable given the fact that all of the comission member have other jobs. I have been working on a couple of liturgical resources for quite some time, but the press of obligations keeps me from finishing them and making them generally available. So, I have a bit more patience with others.
If you can go, but choose not to, that is your loss. Professor Feulner is a very erudite and gracious Christian I am glad to count as a friend, and would be well worth listening to.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your response.
"The commission is trying to fashion one set of liturgical rites that can be used by all".
An honorable goal to be sure as long as they don't ram another volume the size of the BDW down everyone's throats.
I try to be patient but I'm getting older by the minute and I'd like not to wind up a patient in an old folks home before I purchase a copy.
I'm sure you understand.
Matthew, I don't think there's any worry about a volume the size of the BDW being on offer. First, the new set of rites will not include contemporary language versions (Rite II) which nearly cuts the size in half. Second, with the much larger target audience, I am sure that the collected rites will be published in a volume with Bible paper, which will make for a more slender version than the type of publication we had in the 2002 BDW edition.