during the 2010 Anglican Use Conference
at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart
in Newark, New Jersey, June 2010.
La Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede, a norma della Costituzione Apostolica Anglicanorum coetibus, ha eretto l’Ordinariato Personale di The Chair of Saint Peter nel territorio della Conferenza Episcopale degli Stati Uniti d'America.
Nel contempo il Santo Padre Benedetto XVI ha nominato primo Ordinario il Reverendo Jeffrey Neil Steenson.
Rev. Jeffrey Neil Steenson, D.Phil. (Oxon)
[Ed. Note: My Translation in Brackets]
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, according to the norms of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus, has erected the Personal Ordinariate of The Chair of St. Peter within the territory of the Episcopal Conference of the United States of America.
At the same time, the Holy Father Benedict XVI has named as the first Ordinary the Reverend Jeffrey Neil Steenson.]
Carl and Lois Davis Visiting Professor in Patristic Studies, University of St. Thomas/St Mary's Seminary, Houston, TX (2009-). Licensed in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
Undergraduate course: THEO 3382 — God, One and Triune (autumn, 2009).
Graduate courses: YHS5304 - Patristics; CG5312 - Patrology (spring, 2010).
Received into the Roman Catholic Church (Advent 2007); ordained deacon (Dec. 13, 2008) and priest (Feb. 21, 2009) under the Pastoral Provision for married Anglican clergy; incardinated in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
Recipient of Louisville Institute Sabbatical Grant for Pastoral Leaders (2008).
Sabbatical study at the Instituto Patristico Augustinianum; in residence at the Pontifical Irish College (2008-2009).
Taught core curriculum course (THE2311 – Western Theological Tradition), in the University of Dallas Rome Program (Spring 2009).
Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, NM (2004-2007); Canon to the Ordinary (2000-2004).
Served on the Theology Committee of the House of Bishops.
Member of the Board of Trustees, Nashotah House Seminary.
Member and Officer of the Board of Directors, The Living Church Foundation.
Member of the Board of Directors, The Anglican Digest.
Rector, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, TX (1989-2000).
Member of the Board of Directors, The Living Church Foundation.
Officer of the Episcopal Synod of America.
Member of the Board of Trustees, Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest.
Member of the Board of Trustees, The University of the South.
Rector, Church of the Good Shepherd, Rosemont, PA (1985-1989).
Lecturer in Anglican Theology, The Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia.
Member of the Steering Committee of the Evangelical and Catholic Mission.
Assistant, All Saints' Church, Wynnewood, PA (1983-1985).
Tutor and Adjunct in Theology, The General Theological Seminary, New York.
Doctoral Studies, University of Oxford (Christ Church) (1979-1983).
Assistant, All Saints' Church, Highfield, Oxford, England.
Episcopal Church Foundation Fellow (1979-1983).
Ordained Anglican Priest by the Bishop of Oxford in Christ Church Cathedral (June 29, 1980).
Sportswriter, The News-Sun, Waukegan, Illinois (1972-1979).
D. Phil. (Theology), University of Oxford, (1979-1983). Thesis: "Basil of Ancyra and the Reception of the Nicene Creed."
M.Div., cum laude, Harvard Divinity School (1976-1978) (New Testament/ patristics).
MA., summa cum laude, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (1974-1976) (church history).
B.A., cum laude (history), Trinity College (1970-1974) (history).
Birthdate: April 1, 1952.
Family: married to Debra J. Arnold in 1974; children: Kristina (33), Eric (30), John Mark (24).
Interests: Flying (private, commercial, instrument-rated, ASEL & ASES).
"The Unopened Gift," Anglican Theological Review 87 (Fall 2005): 645-651.
"The New Donatists: Why the Fight for Orthodoxy within Anglicanism Must Avoid Ancient Errors" [T.W. Smith Lecture at St. John's, Elora, Ontario, 2005] (publication anticipated).
"Intimacy and Friendship: Some Boundary Issues," Anglican Theological Review 85 (Winter 2003): 97-102.
"Scripture and Tradition: A Famous Irenaean Text Revisited" Proceedings of the Atlantic Theological Conference (Charlottetown, P.E.I., 1993).
"Episcopal Jurisdiction in Athanasius: A Line in the Sand?" [International Patristics Conference, Oxford, England, August, 1991].
"Koinonia and Reception: A Response to the Report of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Commission on Communion and Women in the Episcopate" (Episcopal Synod of America, 1989).
"The Teaching Tradition: Scripture and Doctrine" in The Scriptures and Modern Christian Teaching [Proceedings of the Theological Conference 1988] (Charlottetown, 1988), pp. 59-71.
"Patterns of Orthodox Witness: Some Principles from the Nicene Fathers" in Rebuilding the House of God [Proceedings of the Theological Conference 1987] (Charlottetown, P.E.I., 1988), pp. 101-109.
"Basil of Ancyra on the Meaning of Homoousios" in Arianism: Historical and Theological Reassessments, ed. Robert C. Gregg [Patristic Monograph Series, 11] (Cambridge, MA., 1985), pp. 267-279.
Basil of Ancyra and the Course of Nicene Orthodoxy (D.Phil. thesis, University of Oxford, 1983).
"The Date of the Philocalia" in Origeniana Tertia, ed. R. Hanson and H. Crouzel (Rome, 1985), pp. 245-252.
Various reviews, conference papers, and addresses.
from The Vatican News Service.
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