
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

An Historical Event

Seraiah family with Bishop Pates.

This past weekend an historical event took place in Des Moines, Iowa. (Father) Chori Jonathin Seraiah was ordained to the deaconate. Some might wonder why the significance, well, he is one of the first Americans to enter into Orders under the provisions of Anglicanorum Coetibus. You see, (Father) Seraiah was an Anglican priest.

Reconciliation with Rome is a monumental event, when anyone does it, but there is special significance related to this. The true meaning of religious tolerance and catechesis really shines forth. It has always been the goal for the Church to convert the masses, but it has had varying success over the years and since the Protestant Revolt (some call it a Reformation), it has been very difficult. This is a watershed moment and the reverberations will be heard for all time! A Protestant ecclesial communion is in the process, very real process of reuniting with Holy Mother Church. And (Father) Seraiah couldn't be happier about it...

Read the rest of the story at the blog A Traditional Catholic in Iowa

Hat tip to Georges-Henri Galey.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think I know that Deacon. Praise God. I have a friend who is a Latin Scholar and when I asked him how you say "Hip Hip Hooray" in Latin he replied "Euge! Euge! So providing I did not mess up the translation, Euge! Euge! You and your family are in our prayers. johnofthecrumbs OLA.
