
Monday, June 11, 2012

Andrew Bartus ordained to the diaconate for the Ordinariate in Orange County, CA

The future Blessed John Henry Newman Catholic Church of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter now has a deacon. [On June 9th] at 9:00 a.m. in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles (yes, that one) the Rev Mr Andrew Bartus was ordained to the sacred order of deacons. We weren't allowed to take pictures (we will ignore the fact that we forgot to bring a camera anyway) so we have no pictures to show you. And there doesn't seem to be anything else up on the web to link you to. There is mention on the website of The Tidings of the diaconal ordinations but our deacon isn't mentioned as he was something of a last minute addition and being ordained for another jurisdiction.
(from The Inn at the End of the World)

There are photos on the web site of Blessed John Henry Newman Church of Orange County.

Hat tip to John Cahill.

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