
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ft Worth, Texas Ordinariate Group to be received

Dear friends in Christ,

On Sunday, September 25, at 2 in the afternoon, the first of our group of people (The Community of St. Peter the Rock) who will be members of the Anglican Ordinariate within the Catholic Church will be received and Confirmed by Bishop Kevin Vann at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Fort Worth. I know not all of you can be with us for this joyous occasion. Of your charity, I ask that you remember us in your prayers at Mass on that day and that you give thanks with us to God for this wonderful blessing.

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you…”

Fr. Timothy Perkins
The Community of St. Peter the Rock
A Fort Worth-area Ordinariate Fellowship


We are entering as a group of the faithful within the Diocese of Fort Worth. We will receive sacramental ministrations in local parishes of the diocese but will continue to gather as a community as we await the establishment of an American Ordinariate. Presently we have three regional fellowships that gather together for worship and catechesis each Sunday in the Chapel of the Catholic Center of the diocese. On Wednesday evenings, each fellowship meets locally. One group has use of an Oratory that was prepared for them by a local Catholic family within their office building, another uses a local parish Church or a Campus Ministry Chapel, and another meets in homes.

Bishop Vann has been entirely supportive of the formation of our community, and those who are being received at this time received instruction from a team of catechists provided by the diocese, which began in July of 2010 and was completed this past Lent . In August, we began a second offering of RCIA, again with the assistance of those with whom we have previously networked and under the direction of the Director of Catechesis of the Diocese of Fort Worth.

I hope this comment is helpful. Like all of you, we wait with prayerful longing for the Ordinariate to be established. Please rejoice with us in this next important step on the journey.

From The Anglo-Catholic blog.

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