
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

March for Life & Mid-Atlantic Gathering (Introducing the St. Thomas of Canterbury Society)

Heide Seward has a detailed post about the gathering of "Ordinariate-bound" Catholics and Anglicans connected with the March for Life last week.
As announced on this blog and elsewhere, the recent March for Life, commemorating the 38th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, was the occasion for a gathering of Ordinariate-bound Catholics and Anglicans from the mid-Atlantic area and elsewhere. It was also the occasion for the debut of our new Ordinariate-bound group here in the Washington/Northern Virgina area, the St. Thomas of Canterbury Anglican Use Society (STCS). Click here to visit our website, which is still under construction at this writing...

Read the rest of her post, and follow the link to the nascent Anglican Use Society of St. Thomas of Canterbury at her blog Seward's Folly.


  1. As an ignorant Englishman, how do you hold a mid-atlantic meeting? on a ship? or does it have another meaning in the USA?

  2. LOL, Barry. I suppose it might have been billed as "Eastern US/Atlantic Seaboard Gathering". I'm glad most Americans understood where they were talking about.
