
Sunday, January 30, 2011

News from the ACA

ACA Bishops to Step Down

28 January 2011, House of Bishops

Leadership changes are presently taking place in the Anglican Church in America. In a recent teleconference, Archbishop Louis Falk announced his intention to retire as President of the ACA House of Bishops. A new president will be elected at the ACA House of Bishops meeting in April. The new president will be drawn from one of the current diocesan bishops.

In addition, Bishop Louis Campese has stepped down as Bishop Ordinary of the ACA Diocese of the Eastern United States, effective January 27, 2011. A new bishop will be elected to serve the DEUS at some point in the near future.

The Anglican Church in America extends heartfelt thanks to both Archbishop Falk and Bishop Campese. These two leaders have given much time and effort to the building of God's church. For nearly forty years, these two clergymen have provided leadership to the Continuing Anglican jurisdictions.

The Anglican Church in America will continue as it is presently constituted with approximately 80% of the parishes/missions remaining within the Church. During this time of transition, episcopal oversight is being provided by Bishops Marsh, Strawn and Williams to parishes and missions of the DEUS until a new bishop is elected.

from the homepage of the Anglican Church in America


What this seems to say is 20% of the parishes/missions are not remaining within the Church, hence are likely ordinariate-bound. Given that Bishop Campese's cathedral parish is one of those which has taken a vote in favor of entering the ordinariate, and he has long been a supporter of the Traditional Anglican Communion's goal of union with the Apostolic See, his resignation, along with that of Archbishop Falk would seem to indicate their moving forward with the process.

Unfortunately, the three remaining diocesans have not been particularly supportive of the Holy Father's vision as set forth in Anglicanorum coetibus. I expect that there will be more information on this announcement at the Anglo-Catholic blog later today and tomorrow. -- the editor

Hat tip to Mary Ann Mueller

1 comment:

  1. thought they might be getting ready to be ordained Priests in the Catholic Church.
    When will the Ordinate be established here?
