
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Newsletter from St. John Fisher Ordinariate Community (northern Virginia)

Dear Friends of the St. John Fisher Ordinariate Community,
The April newsletter is a few days later than usual, thanks to the Easter festivities.  Happy Eastertide to everyone!
Last time I sent an email to you was upon learning of the election of our new Holy Father, Pope Francis.  That was March 13, less than a month ago.  Wow!  This has been an eventful month for the Universal Church.  In case you haven't seen it, here is a link to the statement by our Ordinary, Msgr. Steenson, on the subject:
In other news, members of the first Governing Council called for in the Complementary Norms for Anglicanorum coetibus ( have been appointed.  They include two Ordinariate clergy from nearby congregations in MD, Fr. Ed Meeks and Fr. Mark Lewis:
I would like to draw your attention to one upcoming event in particular, the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on May 9, 2013.  I mentioned this in our March newsletter, and several of you have expressed interest in reserving a table.  Tickets are $65 each/10 people per table.  Msgr. Steenson may be there, though I have not yet confirmed that.  Please let me know ASAP if you are interested (and those who have expressed an interest, please confirm) so that I can reserve a table or tables by the end of this week.
The weekly Anglican Use Mass at Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church continues - each Sunday at 5:00pm.  From here on out we will have a social hour following Mass on the 4th Sunday--April 28th this month.  Please join us if you can....
... And stay tuned for more about a regular Mass at St. Mary of Sorrows Historic Church in Fairfax, where we held the Mass for the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter in February.  We will let you know once we have the details nailed down.  We are excited about this opportunity, since St. Mary's is in a much more central location and is, in addition, a lovely 19th century building.  (Photo attached below.)
I look forward to hearing from you about the Prayer Breakfast on May 9.

Heide Seward
St. John Fisher Ordinariate Community,
a mission of St. Luke's Catholic Church, Bladensburg, MD
703-323-0181 (H)
703-673-8758 (cell)

... And I earnestly pray for this whole company, with a hope against hope, that all of us, who once were so united, and so happy in our union, may even now be brought at length, by the Power of the Divine Will, into One Fold and under One Shepherd.
- Blessed John Henry, Cardinal Newman
 Apologia pro vita sua

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