
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Msgr. Steenson addresses USCCB Assembly

Monsignor Jeffrey Steenson addressed the USCCB Assembly yesterday during their Fall Conference. Video of his address can be found on the USCCB web site. He is introduced by USCCB president Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan at 21:45, at the following link.


UPDATE: November 15, 2012

Thanks to Jack Grimes, who pointed us to a clip of Msgr. Steenson's address to the USCCB on YouTube.

Ordinariate Statstics from Msgr. Steenson's presentation
Incardinated Priests23
Ordinations Pending8
Aspirants for Holy Orders69
Communities in Process35
Our "apposite register"1336

1 comment:

  1. On behalf of The Priesthood of All Believers --you are excused from the Anglican denomination of the Protestant faith.
