
Friday, October 26, 2012

Synod's Message to the People of God

The soon to be concluded Synod of Bishops, whose topic of reflection was "The New Evangelization" released their final syondical message to day. It reads in part:
5. Evangelizing ourselves and opening ourselves to conversion

We, however, should never think that the new evangelization does not concern us personally. In these days voices among the Bishops were raised to recall that the Church must first of all heed the Word before she could evangelize the world. The invitation to evangelize becomes a call to conversion.We firmly believe that we must convert ourselves above all to the power of Christ who alone can make all things new, above all our poor existence...

If this renewal were up to us, there would be serious reasons to doubt. But conversion in the Church, just like evangelization, does not come about primarily through us poor mortals, but rather through the Spirit of the Lord. Here we find our strength and our certainty that evil will never have the last word whether in the Church or in history: “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27), Jesus said to his disciples.

The work of the new evangelization rests on this serene certainty. We are confident in the inspiration and strength of the Spirit, who will teach us what we are to say and what we are to do even in the most difficult moments. It is our duty, therefore, to conquer fear through faith, humiliation through hope, indifference through love.

6. Seizing new opportunities for evangelization in the world today

This serene courage also affects the way we look at the world today. We are not intimidated by the circumstances of the times in which we live. Our world is full of contradictions and challenges, but it remains God's creation. The world is wounded by evil, but God loves it still. It is his field in which the sowing of the Word can be renewed so that it would bear fruit once more...
from the Vatican News Service

The New Evangelization is also the theme of this year's Anglican Use Society Conference in Kansas City. There is still time to register for this year's conference, to be held from November 8th through 10th.

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