
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Regular Sunday Mass time for Indiana Ordinariate group

Holy Rosary Church, Indianapolis, Indiana

Beginning Sunday, December 2nd, 2012 – the First Sunday in Advent – St. Joseph of Arimathea Society will be having Mass according to the Book of Divine Worship (also know as the “Anglican Use”) both this Sunday and all subsequent Sundays at 8 AM in Holy Rosary Parish. Our Chaplain and the parish’s administrator, Fr. Peter Marshall, will be officiating.

This addition to the Sunday schedule at Holy Rosary is being made along with time changes for the other Masses. The Ordinary Form, currently at noon, will move to the 9:30 slot and the Extraordinary Form will move to 11:30.

We are also making arrangements to provide music at our first Mass as well as all subsequent ones. Please, plan to join us on this joyous occasion.

from the web site of the St. Joseph of Arimathea Society.

From the parish web site of Holy Rosary Church:
Our Administrator, Father Michael W. Magiera, was, at one time, a priest of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, which has as its apostolate the spreading of the Extraordinary Form of Mass. (You can reach Father Magiera at 317-636-4478).

The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter no longer has an apostolate at Holy Rosary. Likewise, there is no separate “Latin Mass Community.” To be sure, the Extraordinary Form is celebrated six days a week at Holy Rosary, but, because of Holy Rosary’s uniqueness, its openness to the Extraordinary Form and because parishioners are parishioners, no matter what liturgical form they prefer, there is no community “distinction” with regard to liturgical expression.


  1. We've had the pleasure of joining the St. Joseph of Arimathea Society for morning prayer - they do an excellent job of chanting for a group of their size. We're also planning on coming to their first mass.

    As a side note, Fr. Magiera was formerly a professional opera singer and a choir member at St. Clements Episcopal Church in Philadelphia. The Extraordinary Form Mass there is lovely.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Dianna. If you can, come back in December and let us know how things go with the first Mass. Pictures welcome!

  3. Related news, ordinariate groups in England have been urged to adopt the Anglican Use in order to fulfill the Pope's mandate, and many will do do, even if in an homeopatic quantity:
    Funny to see those Priests who in their CofE days would never have touched the BCP Communion Service even with a 10 feet pole now using the BDW, that is the essentially the BCP Antecommunion with the Roman Canon...

    + PAX et BONUM
