
Friday, September 21, 2012

Pastoral Provision Delegate heading West

Bishop Kevin Vann is the third delegate for the Pastoral Provision, following Bernard Cardinal Law and Archbishop John Myers. Bishop of Fort Worth since 2005, he has been selected as the new bishop of Orange, California.

Blogger Rocco Palma shares the story:
Over recent years, it’s hard to think of a national project on which Bishop Kevin Vann hasn’t been intimately involved.

From serving on the three-member USCCB team that oversaw the Stateside implementation of Anglicanorum coetibus and mediating the bench’s oft-delicate relations with the nation’s Catholic hospitals, to filing suit against the Federal government over the contraceptive mandate of the Obama administration’s sweeping health-care reform, the 61 year-old prelate has cris-crossed considerably more ecclesial turf than the sprawling 28 counties of Northwest Texas he’s overseen since 2005.

Now, however, the latest task comes via Rome... and given its centerpiece, well, it’s worth its weight in Crystal.

This morning, the Pope named the energetic head of the booming Fort Worth church to lead the diocese of Orange, succeeding Bishop Tod Brown at the helm of the 1.3 million-member fold in Los Angeles’ southern suburbs...

Read the full story at Whispers in the Loggia.

Read Bishop Vann's blog at Shepherd of Fort Worth.

1 comment:

  1. Sad news for Ft. Worth, a great Blessing for Orange, Ca. Bishop Kevin Vann is pro-Ordinariate and I believe pro-TLM.
    I hope the new Bishop in Ft. Worth walks in his shoes.
