
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Registration for the 2012 Anglican Use Society Conference now open

Speakers will include:

Dr. Barbara J. Elliott, the founder of the Center for Cultural Renewal, lecturer for the Catherine of Siena Institute and author of four books including Street Saints: Renewing American Cities and Equipping The Saints, is an adjunct member of the faculty of the University of Houston and the winner of many prestigious awards. She is a member of Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church in Houston, Texas.

Fr. John Jay Hughes was an Anglican priest for 6 years before being conditionally ordained to the Catholic priesthood in 1960. A Church historian and priest of the St. Louis archdiocese, he is the author of No Ordinary Fool: A Testimony to Grace, the story of a man who, 57 years after ordination, is still in love with the priesthood, as well as numerous other articles and publications.

Fr. Ian Ker is the author of Mere Catholicism (a popular introduction to the Catholic faith), the definitive John Henry Newman: A Biography, G. K. Chesterton: A Biography, and other books and articles too numerous to count. He is a parish priest and teaches theology at Oxford University.

and Msgr. Jeffrey N. Steenson, appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as first Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.

The conference site can be found at

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