
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Catholicism: What is an Anglican-use Parish or Community?

While I have been happy to report on news about the Anglican Use, the Ordinariates and associated happenings in the Church, one thing we have all no doubt noted is how almost all such stories are found in the religious press or on blogs whose focus is on Catholicism or the Ordinariates in particular. In a sense, we are talking to ourselves.

So it is always a pleasure to run across an article in a medium that is not specifically religious; it gives hope that a wider public will learn about the riches available through the Anglican Use liturgy and the Ordinariates. Such as the one below:

Ask any former Anglican or Episcopalian convert to Catholicism what he or she misses most. The answer almost always includes music. As former Anglicans--members of the Episcopal Church in the United States--my husband and I usually give the same response. We also miss the beautiful "thee's" and "thou's" of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, which for many years was the basis of the liturgy used in the Episcopal Church, and the enthusiasm with which many parishioners embraced singing in church.

Many Anglican-to-Catholic converts are thrilled when they discover the possibility of becoming a member of what is known as an Anglican-use parish or community...

Read the rest of Vonda Sines' reflection at Associated Content on Yahoo.

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