
Monday, March 14, 2011

Gathering in the TTAC in England

Father Anthony Chadwick in Normandy reports:
A meeting...took place yesterday in London with the Ordinary Fr Keith Newton and Bishop Alan Hopes. This meeting on Saturday 12th March at Vaughan House is reported to have gone very well, and was well attended by some 18 TTAC clergy. There would have been two more, but they were not able to travel due to illness.

The meeting was about being introduced to Bishop Alan Hopes and the Ordinary Fr Keith Newton. Bishop Alan warmly welcomed each of the English priests individually, and as a group saying that they had had not been overlooked in the process of application, just that everything had happened so fast and that had been dealt with in due process. He did say however, that he had met with Bishop Robert Mercer CR on two previous occasions in preparation for the meeting on Saturday. He also went through the procedure in providing the correct form of dossier to be presented to the CDF in Rome.

The Ordinary Fr Keith Newton talked about his role and responsibilities, and he and Bishop Hopes outlined the importance of the Holy Father’s prophetic gift in the implementation of Anglicanorum Coetibus in bringing the English clergy together in Christ...

Read the rest of his account at English Catholic

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