
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Future Liturgy of an Anglican Ordinariate: Considerations by Bishop Peter Elliott

A new discussion on the liturgy of the Anglican ordinariates has been started on the Anglo-Catholic and New Liturgical Movement blogs. The announcements of this conversation are found below:
May 10, 2010
by Shawn Tribe

Recently I engaged in a discussion with some of the writers over at The Anglo-Catholic (who are particularly made up of Anglicans who are interested in the provisions offered by the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI). I engaged them, some other Anglican clergyman, as well as some who were Anglicans and have since become Catholic clergymen, about the possibility of pursuing a series of discussions about what the liturgy of such an Ordinariate might or might not look like -- or what it should or should not look like (in their estimation). In short, an exploration of the possibilities. Such a series would then be cross-posted on various sites, including the NLM of course.

Quite by coincidence, and in a case of good timing, I also recently came into possession of a paper by Bishop Peter J. Elliott, the Auxiliary of Melbourne, Australia, on this topic of the Anglican Ordinariate, given in February of this year. While this does not formally belong to the series of considerations I have discussed above per se, it is most certainly relevant to the same series, and I believe, offers a good kick off to these considerations...

Read the rest at The New Liturgical Movement.

May 10, 2010
by Christian Campbell
As Shawn Tribe has announced over at The New Liturgical Movement, contributors from The Anglo-Catholic will be participating in a cross-site discussion of the future of Anglican liturgy in the personal ordinariates to be erected under the provisions of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus. There is a significant overlap between the audiences of TLM and The Anglo-Catholic, but the two blogs have different areas of focus — and hopefully our joint discussion will broaden the horizon of this crucial topic. In addition to the concerns of Anglican Use liturgy in particular, we will strive to explore the broader issue of vernacular liturgy in general and the place of an invigorated and widely-available Anglican Use in the so-called ‘reform of the Reform’...
Read the rest at The Anglo-Catholic blog.

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