
Sunday, January 3, 2010

UK: You don't know what you've got till it's gone

THE recent announcement of an Apostolic Constitution for Anglicans, Anglicanorum Coetibus, raises the question what exactly constitutes the "Anglican patrimony" that those who decide to accept the papal invitation might be able to carry with them into their new life and ministry in the Roman Catholic Church.

The Anglican liturgical tradition was at the forefront of the pastoral provision that was made by the late Pope John Paul II for former Anglican parishes in the United States, resulting in the publication in 2003 of The Book of Divine Worship, based on the American Prayer Books of 1928 and 1979...

Read the rest on Virtue Online.

Hat tip to Mary Ann Mueller

Also, read Fr. Chadwick's response to Fr. Trott's essay in "Reflections about another kind of Anglican patrimony" at The Anglo-Catholic.

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