
Thursday, January 14, 2010

The British are Coming…

Thursday, January 14, 2010
by Tim Drake

As 2010 begins, many are wondering how last year’s Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus for disaffected Anglicans, will play out, particularly in the U.S. While observers do not expect many in the U.S. Episcopal Church to take advantage of the Vatican’s offer, it is expected that members of the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC) will accept the Holy Father’s invitation.

The Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC) includes approximately 400,000 Anglicans worldwide. The American province of the TAC, known as the Anglican Church in America (ACA) includes approximately 5,200 communicants in four territorial dioceses. Over the next few months, all of the provinces will be holding synods to put forward the question of how they will be responding to the Apostolic Constitution...

Read the rest at The National Catholic Register.
Hat tip to Deborah Gyapong

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