
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sandro Magister on Cardinal Kasper’s Interview

Vaticanista Sandro Magister shares his take on Cardinal Kasper’s recent interview with L’Osservatore Romano.
I must admit that I am quite surprised that Mr. Magister is evidently ignorant of the liturgical forms that will be authorized in the new ordinariates.
The new ordinariates will be characterized by the preservation of the Anglican rite for the Mass and the other sacraments – with liturgical books that were approved for the United States in the 1980’s by the Vatican congregation for divine worship – and by the possibility of having married priests.

It should be obvious to even the casual observer that the Book of Divine Worship authorized for use in the communities of the existing Pastoral Provision in the USA would not be suitable for Anglican ordinariates outside of the United States. Indeed, there would be much resistance on the part of Continuing Anglican groups in the USA (who either use the Anglican/American Missal, the 1928 American Book of Common Prayer, or some hybrid of the two) to using this book. Truth be told, many in the current Anglican Use view the compromise BODW (which is based on the 1979 American BCP with additions from the modern Roman Rite) as less than ideal...

Read the rest at The Anglo-Catholic blog.

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